Our latest innovations, the motor locks STEP 350 and STEP 352, are now in stock and ready for shipment. The locks make it possible to increase intrusion security in your door environments – around the clock. Place your order today!
• STEP 350 – with hook bolt and latch bolt. Ideal for use in alarmed emergency exits.
• STEP 352 – with hook bolt and automatic latch bolt. The automatic latch bolt allows you to fit your door with a pull handle on the outside, as emergency opening can occur with a key from the outside in combination with evacuation according to SS-EN 179:2008 from the interior side.
These locks are equipped with a robust hook bolt that is always locked – even during the day – providing higher intrusion security around the clock. They are designed for high-frequency use, capable of handling millions of openings, just as fast as an electric strike!
• Certified for burglary protection according to SSF 3522 in class 2A, 2B, 3.
• Certified for emergency exit use according to SS-EN 179:2008.
• Certified in fire resistance class E/EI120 according to SS-EN 14846:2008.
A process is now underway where several door manufacturers are choosing to certify their doors together with our motor locks in the STEP 300 series. First out is Hellbergs Ståldörrar, where we have now been tested and approved in burglary resistance class RC3 for Hellbergs HD200 and HD300 series in single-door configurations.
Follow the link below for more information about all motor locks in the STEP 300 series. You are also more than welcome to contact our technical advisors for further details!
We look forward to your order!